
Good Advice

Back in 1991, author H. Jackson Brown published a book entitled Life's Little Instruction Book: 511 Suggestions, Observations, and Reminders on How to Live a Happy and Rewarding Life.  It was a small book, each page containing a single nugget of wisdom.  They were written by Brown to his son upon graduating from school.  So you can imagine that, when I graduated high school in 1992, Life's Little Instruction Book was a hot little graduation gift.  I received multiple copies. Interestingly, the other day I looked everywhere and couldn't find a single copy in my house.  Fortunately I was able to find quite a few samples on the internet.  Here are some of my favorites, taken from the website
  • Accept a breath mint if someone offers you one.
  • In disagreements, fight fairly.  No name calling.
  • Accept the fact that regardless of how many times you're right, you will sometimes be wrong.
  • Don't confuse comfort with happiness.
  • Check for toilet paper before sitting down.
  • Marry a woman you love to talk to.  As you get older, her conversational skills will be as important as any other.
  • Never say anything uncomplimentary about your wife or children in the presence of others.
  • Every once in a while ask yourself the question, If money weren't a consideration, what would I like to be doing?
  • Never eat a sugared doughnut when wearing a dark suit.
  • Love someone who doesn't deserve it.
Today we're beginning a new series of messages from Paul's letter to the church in Colosse (In your bible it's just called Colossians).  And there's a lot of great advice to be found in there on how to live out our Christian faith.   I'm going to be sharing some of it with you. But this morning we're going to get an introduction.  Paul's advice doesn't just materialize out of thin air.  It grows out of a certain type of soil-the grace of God through Jesus Christ.  It's because of what God has done for us that Paul can turn around and dispense advice.  I'll explain more later. In the meantime, let me encourage you to be reading Colossians on your own.  It's a short book, only four chapters.  And it's a good one for personal devotional time.  And then send me an email with your thoughts and questions.  I want to hear what stands out for you.